Get a Safety Program At Work

If you don’t think you need a safety program at work, you’re very much mistaken. More than 4,836 workers were killed on the job in 2015 — 13 every day — according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Fatal accidents and injuries can happen at any company, but they’re much more likely in the absence of a robust safety program.

The last thing employers want is for one of your employees to sustain an on-the-job injury or tragically die from a preventable safety hazard. Invest in your team and your business and create a work safety program today.

4 Reasons to Implement a Safety Program

1. Keep Employees Safe

Before starting your Engineering job, Maintenance job or Operations job, your employees go through new hire orientation. You probably provide them with intermittent training — i.e., when new policies are adopted and new equipment is purchased — but that isn’t enough. A formal safety program gets everyone involved, uniting the team by the common cause of ensuring everyone leaves work in the same condition in which they arrived. Employees have a defined safety plan to follow, they’re regularly educated on pertinent safety matters, and they’re united by a common goal.

2. Make Safety Part of Your Culture

When management has a relaxed attitude toward safety, it’s hard for employees to take it seriously. Instituting a safety program from the top down sends a strong message that you won’t stand for anything less than 100% compliance. By integrating it into your culture, you make it an important part of workers’ daily lives.

3. Save Money

Work-related injuries and illnesses are costly in more ways than one. When employees are frequently injured on the job, your workers’ compensation premiums soar. Establishing a safety program will save you money, because you don’t have to pay extra when leading a team of healthy, able-bodied employees.

4. Boost Productivity

If injuries are constantly leaving your team down for the count, it’s impossible to achieve maximum productivity. There’s only so much you can accomplish with a skeleton crew, so launch a safety program to make injuries a rare occurrence. Enjoy meeting your goals — and likely surpassing them — when half your staff isn’t sitting on the bench.

Bookmark the MAC Incorporated blog to keep up with the latest from OSHA. We firmly believe there’s nothing more important the safety of your team, so partner with our specialized recruiting and staffing team to find top engineering, maintenance, and operations management professionals to uphold your commitment and maintain a safe work environment. Contact Mac Incorporated today to learn more!